How To Effectively Apply Your Skincare Products

In the western world that we live in, skincare products are all the rage. Ranging from serums, moisturizers, cleansers or exfoliants - the options are endless and you can never have enough.

But what about the way that you're applying these products? The technique for this process is what can make or break a good skincare routine.

Courtesy of the East, the Japanese actually have the highest per capita spending when it comes to cosmetics and skincare; meaning they know a thing or two about beauty and we're here to spill the tips and tricks from some of the best, and oldest beauty secrets around.

At Oo Spa, our all-natural, oil-free and chemical-free product line, Myufull - comes directly from Japan where we source the highest quality antioxidants and ingrediants. 

More information on these products can be found here!

Do you pat, tap, rub? Oh the many questions I'm sure you all have pondered... let's break it down. 

One technique that is vital to Japanese culture, actually dates back as early as 1320. Commonly known here as patting - this process originated as a form of massage, known as anma

This method enables the product that you're using to absorb and penetrate deeper into the skin. Assisting with the stimulation of blood flow while boosting circulation, it also supports cell rejuvenation and aids with lymphatic drainage. 

The practice of this technique also stimulates and tones the facial muscles beneath the skin, which in turn helps to combat signs of aging. 

This is done by using a tap and hold motion by the fingertips of your (index or pointer) finger to gently press and pat the product into the skin.

Facial muscles indeed require a different type of work-out routine, similar to other body parts that are used each day, only 30% of facial muscles are used on a daily basis. Hence, a technique that stimulates collagen and elastin production is vital as these decrease heavily as we age.  

At Oo Spa, we have our Luze-Revializing Device that heavily assists with the process of rebuilding facial muscles, stimulating collagen production and boosting elasticity.

Using advanced Aeon technology, the waveform from this device increases ATP production within the cells. Which in turn, helps to minimize fine lines and wrinkles, tightens and lifts the skin and reduces breakouts and scarring.

More information regarding this device can be found here -

Why is rubbing product into the skin such a big no-no?

The reason for this is simple - experts state that this motion can actually cause damage and trauma to the skin barrier, causing possible spots, irritation and broken capillaries, leading to further and more invasive problems down the road. 

If a cleansing or exfoliation product requires more of a deep-cleaning technique, a gentle, circular motion is preferable and won't cause stress or harm to the skins delicate surface.   

Our skincare experts at Oo Spa provide this knowledge and training technique at each facial treatment.

To learn more and to experience this for yourself, head over to our website to book an appointment, we can't wait to meet you! 

